Child ski

I could tell you a thousand stories of great adventures and emphasize the very popular concept that to teach skiing to children should be covered with playful elements, so that through the game you access the experience and the acquisition of the motor skills of coordination, flexibility and dexterity useful to skiing.

This is the evidently essential basis that each text highlights. Equal learning game. I will do it, probably, but I would like to describe more specifically and in a specific way the psychological aspects that affect the teacher - child relationship; I consider these last ones fundamental for building a profitable and amusing project of work. The teacher goes into a reality so extraordinary in which he discovers and explores the real world of childhood day after day. Usually the needs, the requests and in general all the messages that the children send us must be reworked and codified so that they can extract the material to structure and set the teachings.

If you do not understand deeply the psychology and the way of relating the child to the outside, most of the lessons are bound to fail. Our world is not their world. We must focus on the individual child and interpret it with care and sensitivity. By letting us down in their universe we can understand what they need, what it takes to experience this experience on the snow and how important it is to take the lesson.

Psychologists claim that by affecting the areas of the brain responsible for the processing of emotions (Amygdala, Limbic System) memories are fixed permanently in the mind, thus creating a system of notions capable of lasting forever. The teacher must grasp the moment in which the emotion is strong, manage it and allow it to acquire the gesture connected to it. The moments of difficulty must be faced with confidence, providing a safe and uncompromising guide in which order and discipline are fundamental. Without rules the child does not limit reality; he does not recognize it and no longer distinguishes the boundary between living in respect for others, the environment and chaos.

The times, the spaces of the children are different from ours; in difficult climatic and psychophysical conditions, even a few bends can be a huge effort. It is up to the teacher to understand it. From the labor exaggerated too far, there is accumulation of discomfort, apathy, and thus estrangement from experience. The border between joy and frustration in the child is very fragile.

It is essential to understand what the children "wear" on the ski fields; there are experiences, within the family, immediately before the lesson, which do not stop immediately, whose waves influence the thoughts and the attitude during the whole time spent with the teacher. Some arrive positively motivated, others too full of expectations (usually parents) that suffocate the learning attempt. Euphoria, fear, joy, insecurity, surprise and many other feelings make the lesson in this world a unique and indispensable opportunity, a source of growth for both protagonists. The teacher has a difficult task and for this wonderful, he can revisit his childhood in the eyes of his little pupils and expand it to the nth degree.

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